Thursday, August 28, 2008

Politics and Pornography.

So, I just read that some dude named John Stagliano, a porn producer, has been indicted for obscenity, namely his films Puppies and The Young Fluffy Bunny (the names of the films have been removed due to their obscenity and replaced with new titles, hoping to suit the general public's needs). I also read that this guy faces a possible lifetime sentence. 


I mean, I disagree with pornography and what it stands for, but I disagree with rape and murder a whole lot more. Does this guy really deserve a sentence befitting a rapist? How about a murderer? 

What I find even more interesting is the fact that every time Free Speech is on the line, blame is laid on republicans. This case specifically, because, obviously, George W. Bush is in the office of the executive branch. Ok, fine. You're right. He is in office. But the three branches of government were put in place to avoid one man having the majority of the government's sway. Checks and balances. Stagliano is on trial. Key word. Trial. Clearly the judicial system's jurisdiction. And based on previous supreme court decisions, the court does not lean towards any particular wing of the government. 

It's just so classy to blame Bush. How trendy.

I depress myself sometimes.

Open for Business

Well, I just have way, way, too much to say. 

I talk a lot. 

So I figured I'd start a blog. This way i can blow off steam without hurting people's ears within earshot. I really don't even care if anyone reads it, actually. I just feel better knowing that if someone wanted to, they could. It kind of makes me feel better about myself. Like I'm important. It's a good feeling, you should try it sometime. 

I also like the idea that I can stay in contact with all of my friends in Jersey, and some who aren't. 

I miss you all.